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How to Choose Toothbrushes for Kids

Good quality toothbrush is a good start to make teeth brushing fun for your children. Also, it’s recommended to select the right toothbrush size and shape for your kids to ensure effective oral health. Here are some useful tips on selecting the right toothbrush for the children that you can apply.

Toothbrushes in the supermarket are available in various options and so choosing a toothbrush for your children can be confusing. The first thing you need to consider is taking a look at the product label to find out if the toothbrush bristle is made from soft nylon. The soft bristle could clean your children’s teeth effectively.

Also, you should see the bristle design. Selecting flat trim bristle is highly recommended because it can reduce bad bacteria in children’s mouth. Also, round bristle helps prevent bleeding gum or gum injury.

Select the toothbrush that fits comfortably with children’s mouth so it could thoroughly clean their teeth and prevent from injury while they’re brushing their teeth. Moreover, toothbrush handle that fits comfortably in the children’s hand could effectively help them maintain good oral hygiene.

You should select toothbrushes guaranteed by Bureau of Dental Health for quality to ensure that the toothbrush meet Public Health Department standard for toothbrushing. You can rest assured the product is absolutely good and safe enough for your kids to use.

You can start brushing tooth for your kids since the first tooth appears above the gum line. When they are able to do things for themselves, you can encourage them to brush their teeth and be right beside them to monitor and recheck if their teeth are clean. This way, you can maintain healthy dental hygiene for your children.

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