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8 Traditional Christmas Symbols & Their Meanings

Though winter wind can make you feel cold sometimes, but a festive celebration like Christmas is in the air, and that keeps everyone’s heart warm and filled with happiness no matter how cold the weather is. Now it should be a perfect time to get to know more about the “8 Christmas symbols” and the meaning they carry behind. We also come up with a delicious dessert recipe to celebrate Christmas. Ho ho ho! Follow us now!

Christmas Tree

When it’s Christmas time, a picture of a tall evergreen tree decorated with lovely ornaments and colorful string light might pop into your mind. Apart from its appearance. Christmas tree symbolizes “Tree of Heaven” and there’s a linkage with Jesus’s birth according to Christian beliefs. That’s’ why Christmas tree becomes a Christmas symbol as well as a spiritual anchor for all family members during Christmas time.

Santa Claus

A story of a kind man named Santa Claus who rides a sleigh with flying reindeer and bring a lot of gifts has made children from all around the world waiting for magic to happen on Christmas Eve. It is believed that Santa Claus came from “Saint Nicholas”, the patron saint who lived during the 4th Century and took care of the children. His story has been told from generations to generations, and known as legend of Santa Claus nowadays.

Holly Tree

Holly tree becomes one of Christmas symbols because it has green leaves all year round which represents eternity. The red berries of Holly tree symbolize blood of Lord Jesus who save people from their sins. Holly thorn also relevant to the Crown of thorn that Jesus worn at his crucifixion.


Exchanging gift on Christmas has long been practiced as Christmas and traditions among Christianity. Christmas is time to celebrate and commemorate the pure love and sacrifice of The Lord Jesus as well as ultimate love and giving. So, exchanging gifts is another way to express good feelings to each other.

Golden Bells

The sound of a ringing bell on Christmas Day symbolizes joy and happiness. It represents the time when little Jesus was born. Moreover, according to the ancient belief, golden bell or Christmas bell can clear out negative energy, and that’s why it becomes one of the most popular ornaments on Christmas tree.


Glittering golden star placed on the top of Christmas tree is more than just an ornament on Christmas tree. For the Christianity, star symbolizes “Star of Bethlehem” that guided the Three Magi so that they could finally found a birthplace of little Jesus. Accordingly, star is used as Christian symbol as well as represent the new hope.

Candy Cane

Have you ever realized that…a sweet candy cane, one of the most popular Christmas snacks actually means something? First, we’re going to start with its shape that looks similar to “J” or an abbreviation of “Jesus Christ” whereas red signifies his sacrifice and white means innocence.

Christmas Wreath

According to the ancient belief, garland or wreath is a symbol of victory. However, for Christianity wreath has its religious symbol especially on Christmas Day when wreath signals that the festival is approaching. Most of the times, wreath is made of evergreen branches, decorated with bright red holly berries, pine flowers, string light, and ribbon. Apart from symbolizes the celebration, Christmas wreath also signifies the eternity of God where there’s no beginning and no ending.

So, what do you think about the 8 Christmas symbols? We hope you know more about them and Christmas celebration seems more enjoyable to you. As we told you earlier, we’ve got Christmas recipe to share with you. So, get yourself ready to shop ingredients for “Christmas Trifle Wreath”, a dessert that look and taste amazing. It’s a perfect dessert for happy moment. Follow us and get ready to cook now!


1. 1 packet raspberry jelly crystal

2. 2 cup cold water

3. 1 cup vanilla custard

4. Whipping cream 60 ml.

5. 10 Swiss rolls

6. 10 meringues

7. 4-5 spearmint leaves

8. Raspberries 20 g.

9. Blueberries 20 g.

10. Sugar sprinkles to decorate

11. Icing sugar


1. Dissolve raspberry jelly crystal in cold water, stir until completely dissolved.

2. Pour dissolved raspberry jelly crystal into mould, refrigerate for approximately 4 hours.

3. Beat vanilla custard and whipping cream using an electric mixer until creamy, then spoon into a piping bag.

4. Arrange the swiss roll to form a circle, slightly pipe the cream onto each swiss roll.

5. Place meringue on each swiss roll, followed by fresh raspberries and blueberries.

6. Sprinkle icing sugar and decorate with raspberry jelly, now the dessert is ready to serve.

“We wish you a Merry Christmas!” We hope that all of you have a very merry Christmas this year. If you wish to make this heartwarming holiday more special, Tops provide you with products and ingredients for a lot more Christmas recipes, including Christmas ornaments and food party set for perfect Christmas party and New Year’s Eve celebration. Visit Tops and get your grocery shopping done!

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