5 Safest Ways to Choose Baby Powder for Your Little Ones
When talking about one of the most important staples for the toddlers, “baby powder” is absolutely on the list of new parents’ must-have items. Baby powder keeps the baby feel comfortable as well as prevents them from humidity and soothes the rash. Nowadays, there’s a wide range of baby powders available. The question that the parents may have is “How to select the best baby powder for the baby?” Here’s what you should know about baby powder and 5 top tips for choosing safe and gentle baby powder for the toddlers.
Body powder, a savior to reduce humidity and keep skin comfortable
The baby usually cry because they feel uncomfortable because of tight-fitting diaper that causes chafing and humidity which lead to allergy such as skin rash or skin infection. To prevent your little ones from these problems, parents usually take “baby powder” with them to reduce excessive moisture, prevent chafed skin, and keep the babies’ skin smell fresh. So, baby powder becomes a staple for the toddlers. Apart from its advantages, the parents should consider whether the product is really “safe” to use as some of them might be composed of harmful chemicals. Find out what the harmful chemicals are.
“Talcum”, an ingredient that causes adverse health effects
Though it’s baby powder, have you ever realized that some baby powders contain toxic chemicals like “Talcum”? Talcum is made from talc, the naturally occurring clay mineral which is baked and finely ground to create smooth and silky power. One of Talcum powder’s main properties is its ability to absorb moisture, so it has been widely used as a component in cosmetic products as well as baby powder. However, as talcum is an inorganic compound and cannot be degraded naturally by microorganisms, applying a large amount of talcum powder on the skin for a long time poses greater risks of allergy, certain types of respiratory problems, and lung cancer. Not only the toddlers, parents whose skin contact with talcum for a long consecutive period of time also take the same risks.
To prevent and avoid the risks of talc-based baby powder, find our 5 top tips that you can apply when choosing baby powder.
1. Choose talc-free baby powder made of natural ingredients such as rice starch which doesn’t scatter when using and possesses anti-chafing properties.
2. Contain organic components safe for health and residue-free.
3. Select dermatologist-approved baby powder that passes the hypoallergenic test.
4. Paraben-free and fragrance-free.
5. Naturally degradable by microorganisms without accumulating in lung or fabric.
Organic powder, a safer alternative for the toddlers
Now you know more about baby powder and the danger of talcum. For the parents who care for the baby and wish to select the best thing for them, you can find organic powder products composed of ingredients from nature such as rice starch available. These ingredients leave no residue on the skin as it can be degraded naturally. Also, these natural components have the same properties as talc-based baby powder so it could be a safer alternative for the baby. Furthermore, you can also replace traditional baby powder with powder lotion as it has the same properties without leaving the particle scattering or irritating the respiratory system of your child.
Because smile and laughter of the baby mean the world to moms and dads, we hope that this article and our top tips can be very helpful when you purchase the best and the safest baby powder for your little ones. Looking for organic baby powder? Visit Tops to find organic baby powders from several famous brands, including a complete range of Mom & Kids products. Shop conveniently at Tops Online now and have your order delivered in no time!