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5 Amazingly Healthy Nuts to Snack On

“Nuts” are healthy food rich in HDL, protein, and many more essential nutrients. Eating the right amount of nuts is recommended to stay healthy, and it’s a good way to protect yourself from diseases. Learn more about nuts and explore health advantages from eating different types of nuts and the downside of overconsumption. Find out what nuts to eat for weight loss and for healthy nutrients.


Among all types of nuts, peanuts provide quite different health benefits compared to other nuts as it could prevent gall stone, sustain good spleen and stomach functions. Peanuts also contain high concentrated fatty acids to prevent the production of bad cholesterol like LDL which causes massive harm to health. Moreover, peanuts are rich in vitamin E which nourishes skin. However, peanuts are rather difficult to digest, so eating too many peanuts at once is not a good idea. Otherwise, you might suffer from gas in digestive tract, bloating, and bad flatulence. If your friends eat many peanuts, stay away from them!

Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are rich in vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper, including other essential vitamins and minerals. It also provides a high content of lutein and zeaxanthin, the best vitamins for eye health and clear vision. However, for anyone with a history of a significant allergy, it’s recommended to eat a small portion of cashew nuts first and self-observe if there’s any allergic reaction as nuts in the legume family usually contain some components that trigger allergy. If there’s no allergic reaction, you can go ahead and enjoy them.


Almonds are a popular variety of nut to consume because they contain a great number of essential vitamins and minerals. In spite of high energy and saturated fat provided, they actually offer major health benefits for people with diabetes. They also contain minerals especially boron and calcium which help reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis in women after menopause. It’s low in carbohydrate but high in protein and fiber to prevent blood clot. Furthermore, vitamin E in almonds helps with hypertension. A research study suggests that patients with heart disease who eat almonds regularly tend to experience tightness in the chest less often than those who don’t. In short, almonds are absolutely healthy food to eat!

Macadamia nuts

Round, crunchy macadamia nuts with buttery flavor are originally grown in Australia, a fertile land full of natural wealth. These nuts are rich in fat, energy and other minerals including potassium, calcium, and magnesium to promote strong bones and teeth. Fatty acids in macadamia nuts also prevent blood clot as well as reduce the risk of heart failure and stroke. In addition, macadamia nuts contain a high carbohydrate content. In other words, eating macadamia nuts keeps you full very quickly and so it’s the best nut to eat when you need to limit food portions. For those who plan to go on a diet, you should store some macadamia nuts at home!


Last but not least is pistachios. Pistachios are low in calories but high in protein. It’s a brilliant source of vitamin B6 which controls blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Apart from that, pistachios help boost metabolism, promote better functions of liver, improve eye health, increase good bacteria in stomach and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease as well as cancer. Pistachios are certainly a nutrient-dense food to eat for better health.

Now you know about types of nuts and their health benefits better. It’s unbelievable that these small, mighty nuts provide a great number of amazing health advantages. You can also enjoy them plain as healthy snacks or use them to cook savory dishes as you prefer. Looking for your favorite nut for your health goal, visit any branch of Tops market and Central Food Hall near you. Also, you can shop a wide range of both domestic and international nut products for your selection at Tops Online 24 hours.


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